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Thursday, April 26, 2018

Social Studies Newspaper activity

1. Please get out your WEEK 13 Social Studies Newspaper - "Slavery in the Colonies"

2. Read the front page of the newspaper.

3. Open the newspaper and read the article " Slavery and the Law".

4. Look right above that article and you will see a section titled " Primary Sources - Slave Auctions and Runaway Slaves".

5. Read those two paragraphs and answer questions 1 -3 in your newspaper. After you have answered the questions turn your newspaper in to the Social Studies drawer. PUT YOUR NAME ON YOUR PAPER.

6. Answer the follow question in the comment section below:

What is your opinion of slavery? Make sure to back your opinion with some facts and examples from what you have read in your social studies newspaper today. 

(I left a comment with some sentence starters if you need help getting started.)

7. Please check the box "Yes I have completed this task" after you have finished all of the steps above.

8. You can complete unfinished work (crayon activity), do correct and return work,  read, take AR test, or get on your Iready pathway.


  1. A good sentence starter to use in your comment answer could be:
    I think slavery was...
    In my opinion, slavery was...
    Slavery was...

  2. I think slavery was a bad thing because they were treated poorly. They treated like property.

  3. In my opinion,I think slavery was wrong because they made kids and grandmas work too.They made everyone who could walk work.Also the slaves could only eat 2 meals a day if they were lucky,and they could not even rest.

  4. I think slavery was bad because people got pulled from their family.They made kids and old people work day and night with no rest.

  5. In my opinion I think slavery was bad because they were forced to work and they were hit with a whip if they were caught laying down.They made everyone work.

  6. my opion is that slavery was wrong, because these black people work or get forsted than the white.And they make kids work in the field to plant ,or,work and they woop people.Thats how i think or in my opinon what slavery was.

  7. I think slavery was wrong because they sometimes auctioned them.They got whipped if they didn't follow directions.Kids and Elders had to work as well.

  8. I think slavery was bad because they had to work a lot and had only 2 meal and wear the same clothes and work and the sun entil the sun want down.

    1. I agree your work is so beautiful and i like that you put allot of thought into you work A+ :)

  9. In my opinion,I think slavery was unfair and wrong because they were treated like the peoples property. Also, kids,grandmas,and all the people who could walk had to work all day. For instance, they had to pick cotton and if they stopped picking cotton they would get whipped by the boss. Lastly , the would get 2 meals a day if they got lucky . In my opinion I think slavery was unfair.

    1. I agree with you because white people didn´t want to do there work

  10. I my opinion I think slavery is wrong because they got punished
    by getting a whipped, OUCH! They made poor grandparents and kids work all day long.

  11. In my opinion I think slavery was wrong cause they got taken away from there families and always had to work and had no equality and if I was the white people I would think how would I want to be treated.Also black should have the same rights as white and should have there independence like whites and should not have to work all day and black should also have the same equal rights as white and would get hit with a whip if the white caught them laying down and the slaves would get hurt badly.That is why in my opinion I think slavery was horrible and not right and it should be equal.

  12. I think slavery was bad for slaves and other people who worked for the overseers beacause the overseer has a wip and if you stop to take a nap or a rest then he will get you with his wip and they would sing songs to each other to let the time go by and they would work all day and night

  13. I think slavery was bad because they worked for nothing and only got two meals a day and got hit with a whip. and that is why slavery was bad

  14. slavery was rong because pepeol forest to work to death.

  15. Question 3 I think it was a horibble that if vthey stop the get bet and kids

  16. I think that i was wrong for them to torture them and kids like if you take a nap they hit you with a wip

  17. In my opinion slavery is bad because people of all ages had to work in the fields.With only two meals a day if they were lucky.They weren't just forced to work they didn't get paid and they could not vote or leave the property without permission . If you were not doing what you are supposed to you will be whipped or sold or have to face another consequence. This is why i think slavery is bad

  18. i think slavery was bad because people,got whip and had to work and really dint get food kids even grandmas had to work if you could walk you could work

    1. i like it but you just had to put a little more thought into it :)

  19. In my opinion I think that slavery was wrong because kids worked hard picking cotton balls for hours and hours. They only had a little bit of rest they only had two small meals and if the owner saw you laying down on the floor resting while working he will hurt you.That wasn't fair because they work a lot with no rest and they will hit and they don't care where or how they hit you and no matter how tired you are you can't have a break.They hit children and women and that is illegal.That is why slavery is wrong.

  20. In my opinion slavery was bad because,thousands of people had to work cotton fields all day long and people don't like doing other people work and they get tired of doing hard work or (lobar) during the day.Old people kids had to work,overseers had a thing called a whip and they would hit the African slaves with it if they don't work.And that's what i think about slavery. :) $$$

  21. In my opinion slavery was bad because people got taken away from there families and had to do other peoples work. Something really bad was that white people whipped them

  22. I think slavery was bad because some people didint get to get a nap and also take a break from all that working.And they got to work all day and night and also they got two meal a day and they
    had to sing songs in front of each other to get time to pass by

  23. Every one needs to be treated equally not white people better than black.

  24. slavery was bad because everyone that was a slave had to work. such as grandparents kids and parents.And if they caught them laying down they would get hurt. and last but not least they got taken away from there family

  25. In my opinion I think that slavery was wrong because kids and the adults had to work everyday without resting and if they did rest they would be whipped,sold or suffer some other punishment.

  26. In my opionin slavery is bad because they do nothing but work in the cotton field all day they don't get to sleep at all I would be tired and I also I think that it is bad because they really don't get to have a break

  27. I think that is not right because you have to pick cotton every day and every night and they get 2 meals every day if they were lucky.They get wip if they do not pick cotton and that was so sad kids had to word aswell and grandmas too evry slave who could wallk.

  28. In my opinion unfortunately it did not happen until after slavery had already been around 250 years ago. It did not make slavery completely illegal,though. That did not happen until 1865.


Science Activities for March 30 - April 3

SCIENCE WITH PAPER AIRPLANES! I suggest getting the whole family in on this one!! Especially when you get to #4!!! 1. Watch this brainpop...